Reform movement / Hebrew Union College archives.
The Arlosen Archives have added about 1 million documents to their online archive. The new additions include picture of prisoners and transport lists from Auschwitz concentration camp as well as letters written by Soviet forced laborers to their families. . There is a video to get the best tips for your genealogical research.
A list of documents from the French and British occupation zones can be searched for the names of the victims of Nazi persecution is available for search.
American Ancestors by the New England Historic Genealogical Society
Provides access to 1.4+ billion records spanning the United States, the British Isles, continental Europe, and beyond.
Worldwide database, family tree builder, DNA testing and matches.
Includes searchable publications and photos.
The Blavatnik Archive is a nonprofit foundation dedicated to preserving and disseminating primary source materials that contribute to the study of 20th century Jewish and world history, with a special emphasis on World War I, World War II, and Soviet Russia. The Archive was founded in 2005 by American industrialist and philanthropist Len Blavatnik to reflect his commitment to cultural heritage, and expand his support for primary-source-based scholarship and education. Primarily through its metadata-rich, item-based website, the Archive shares its holdings as widely as possible for research, education, and public enrichment.
A collection of testimonies and ephemera of Jewish men and women who fought in the Soviet armed forces during World War II. The collection contains 1,200 video interviews and items from the veteran’s personal archives, including photographs, personal correspondence documents, diaries, state and military issued documents, articles and memoirs.
Cleveland Public Library Genealogy Resources/Research Databases
Materials to support genealogy research including African American Genealogy and Coats of Arms searches.
Częstochowa-Radomsko Area Research Group
Contains more than 1.8 million records, including a Poland Holocaust-Era Database with more than 400,000 records.
Dutch and Belgian archives and societies
Eastern Europe Cities - Polin Virtual Shtetl
Part of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews, includes information about towns, photos and maps.
European Resources for Family Historians: Jews in Europe
Compiled by the State Library of South Australia, includes guides to Jewish genealogy in Germany and Australia, Latvia and Estonia and a history of Hamburg Jews.
Facebook groups:
Jewish Genealogy Portal
Tracing the Tribe - Jewish Genealogy on FB
Foundation for the Preservation of Jewish History in Poland
Jews in East Prussia
Jewish DNA for Genetic Genealogy and Family Research
GerSig: German Jewish Genealogy Special Interest Group
Ukraine Research Division of
Suwalk-Lomza Independent Jewish Genealogy Research Group
Jewish Genealogy - Jews from Posen and Prussia
Jewish Genealogy SIG (JGSIG)
Lithuania & Latvia Jewish Genealogy
IAJGS 2025 Conference Discussion - Ft. Wayne
Jewish Genealogical Society of Southwest Florida
Jewish Genealogical Society of Tampa Bay
Search billions of British and Irish genealogy records and newspapers, build family trees.
Documents the families of the first immigration to the agricultural colonies in Israel from 1882-1904.
Search military records..
Fred Blum Research Website List
Links on how to find Holocaust survivors.
Generations of the Shoah International
Links to Holocaust websites and registries.
Collaborative family tree.
A free, collaborative website covering the current countries of Austria, Czechia (or Czech Republic), Slovakia (or Slovak Republic) and Slovenia. It includes former (usually German) and current names of locations.
Database of records from Galicia, formerly a province of Austria-Hungary and today divided between southeastern Poland and western Ukraine.
Greek-Jewish Holocaust Survivors' Testimonies
Premium subscription databases
HIAS (originally the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
Includes request forms for information about people aided by the organization before and after 1940, including arrival cards.
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies website. Includes links to Jewish genealogical societies around the world and information about its annual conferences.
Israel Genealogy Research Assoc. (IGRA)
Includes several databases of Israeli records.
Photos from cemeteries throughout Europe.
Images of Jewish Tombstones, school yearbook pages and Citizen Declaration documents.
Includes millions of records, town descriptions, Family Finder, Yizkor Books and more
Jewish Digital Collections and Jewish Study Guides
Compiled by Diane Romm, this site includes links to various collections around the world, including South Africa, Australia and Europe and including links to newspaper indexes, maps and more.
Jewish Digital Cultural Recovery Project
Registry of Jewish Art Collections Recovered from Nazis: JDCRP plans to provide a registry of all Jewish art collections looted by the Nazis. The first collection is of Dutch masters which was owned by Adolphe Schloss. The JDCRP was initiated by the Conference on Jewish Material Claim Against Germany and the Commission for Art Recovery. It was funded with 490,000 Euros from the European Union's Creative Europe program.
Jewish Heritage Center, The Wyner Family
The JHC at The New England Historic Genealogical Society provides information for exploring and preserving the histories of Jewish families and institutions in New England. There online collections, accessible here, currently contain The Boston Jewish Times and The Abraham C. Ratshesky Papers.
Family history resources include funeral home records, unpublished genealogies and memoirs of Jewish life in Maryland and Europe.
Jewish Records Indexing - Poland
Includes searchable database and town explorer.
Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)
Archives of the leading Jewish humanitarian aid society - Ottoman Empire, Palestine, Holocaust and world wide.
Leo Baeck Institute - New York/Berlin
Includes an online catalog.
Lviv, Ukraine, recovered headstones database
A collection of 'recovered' grave markers that had been stolen from Lviv Jewish cemeteries during the German occupation of WWII and repurposed, usually as building materials for the occupying forces.
Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot
The Museum of the Jewish People has been collecting resources for many decades that are helpful to genealogists. One can search their resources in their Jewish genealogy website. Information is available for specific towns, villages, and cities. There are existing family trees that have been complied that are connected to these locations. Additional information available are family name meanings, photos, music, and films.
The Museum of Family History is a virtual (Internet-only), multimedia, and interactive creation that was designed for those of us who are interested in learning more about modern Jewish history, as well as those who were a part of this history, who now grace the many branches of our family tree. The Museum humbly attempts to honor the Jewish people and the Jewish family unit in particular. Click this paragraph to view a list of research links provided by the Museum of Family History.
DNA, family trees and databases including their newspaper database.
National Museum of American Jewish Military History
Made up of over 5,000 artifacts. The collection includes objects from nearly every American military conflict, with the bulk of the collection relating to World War II.
Thousands of historical newspapers from the U.S. and elsewhere. Searchable.
Metro New York Jewish Resources
Compiled by the Jewish Genealogical Society of New York
Open List of Victims of Russian Oppression
Database of victims of political repression in the USSR from 1917-1991.
Based in Ukraine, the non-profit organization develops and manages heritage preservation projects aimed at reconnecting the 400-year history of Rohatyn’s now-lost Jewish community with the people and places of the modern Ukrainian city. Our project activities include research, documentation, recovery, rehabilitation, education, and commemoration, all illuminating the links between Rohatyn’s history and its future, and between its people in town and abroad. The heritage we preserve and promote includes both physical sites in Rohatyn and intangible culture which transcends time and geography. The histories we gather and integrate bring new vibrancy to Rohatyn’s multicultural past.
A Genealogical and Family History guide to Jewish and civil records in Eastern Europe initially compiled by Miriam Weiner.
A gallery of commemorative brass plaques in the pavement in front of the last address of Holocaust victims.
Sonia van Heerden East European Genealogy Resources
PDF of websites.
This site contains tools for finding immigration records, census records, vital records, and for dealing with calendars, maps, foreign alphabets, and numerous other applications. Some of these tools fetch data from other websites but do so in more versatile ways than the search tools provided on those websites.
See gallery of commemorative brass plaques installed in the pavement in front of National Socialism victims’ last address of choice.
Ukrainian Archives, Jewish Records
Links to archives by province.
University of Florida Judaica Library
Contains over 140,000 volumes, DVDs, microfilms, newspapers, pamphlets, archives and manuscripts, and over 20,000 digital items.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Contains more than 270,000 records, including photos and albums, personal stories and films.
Vera Miller’s Find Lost Russian & Ukrainian Family blog
Includes a beginner's guide and other information to help with your research.
One of the world’s leading and most extensive archives on the Holocaust, the Nazi era and genocide. The Library’s collection of over one million items includes published and unpublished works, press cuttings, photographs and eyewitness testimony.
Yad Vashem Shoah Victims' Names Database
Central database of victims' names
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
Includes archives and library